The Pure Option News

Sorry if you have experienced out of stocks
You may of noticed we have had a few supply issues and we wanted to let you know why.
Our Postage Charges Have Changed
We have faced a large number of price increases, from the huge increase in materials costs between 40 and 60% and then we were hit with the Plastic Tax which taxes us for not adding 30% recycled plastic to our products, so we absorbed most of these costs....
Plastic based packaging causes cancer
We have known it for quite sometime but the research is now out that shows non plant based packaging have known carcinogens.
Some Sad News
The Pure Option™ is a family business, which does literally mean everyone who works in The Pure Option™ is a family member.
Reduced Customer Service Times
There are a number of benefits to working with a family business, we know you, we know your business, we can adapt quickly and your purchase makes far more of a difference on a local level than any large company, but there is a downside.