We have faced a large number of price increases, from the huge increase in materials costs between 40 and 60% and then we were hit with the Plastic Tax which taxes us for not adding 30% recycled plastic to our products, so we absorbed most of these costs.
The reality of absorbing these costs is that as a business we have lost money for the last two years, and sadly we just can't keep absorbing these price increases, so we have decided that we can no longer subsidise shipping.
We have had to move to a transparent pricing model where we charge what it costs us to send your item , it's fairer, transparent and honest and it stops us from losing money.
The sad reality is we want to remain in business, to continue to make the world a more sustainable place and to invest some of our profits into local community projects and we can't do this while losing money.
Sorry for the change but we feel it is fair and honest and will allow us to continue to provide the worlds most sustainable packaging.
Any questions, please do get in touch as me and my team are here to help.