The Pure Option News

Let's be Transparent
Transparent Business is Good Business
We were started with the alturistic motive of making the world a more sustainable world but we always felt we could do more, so all of our policies are designed to be a responsible, honest corporate citizen you can trust to do the right thing and with...
Business as a driver of change
#thepureoption was starting with the lofty mission to end the crazy practice of using dead dinosaurs to create something that is single use, so we replaced the dead dinosaurs with plants, a simple solution that is both sustainable and equitable for the...
Lets be Transparent
We pride ourselves on a few things, ethical business, environmentally positive products and the open and transparent way we do business.
Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't, it didn't
Businesses are run by people and this business is run by a family that not only wants to make a difference but wants to give an exceptional experience ( we don't always succeed but we do try our best) and a common point raised was “why don't you sell...
A simple answer to the complex problem of plastics
I once watched a documentary on the Poundshop and the most common question they were asked was “how much is this?” and we have the same issues as we often get asked “Which of your products are not made from plants” and we have a very simple answer.